IOT Philippines Inc. (INTERNET OF THINGS PHILIPPINES, INCORPORATED) is an aggressive company who utilize cutting edge technology of the “Internet of Things”, and a closely related field, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to transform how we live our daily lives. It will totally revolutionize every business, every government, every household, every educational system for the better.
We create miniature smart machines by implanting microchips, RFID tags, environmental sensors, and cameras into everyday objects.
We generate solutions to enable, not only people, but also “things” to connect to the internet. And with custom applications, collect vast amounts of data, process them and allow these embedded machines to intelligently react according to the circumstances.
We understand that embedding intelligence in “things” will create knowledge, which will one day become even more valuable than producing the actual goods. Intelligent Objects will not totally replace humans, but they will work alongside to create knowledge and to boost productivity.